Screw Piles for Mobile Homes
A special foundation that can hold a mobile home’s weight and survive environmental factors is important when installing and setting up your mobile home. The most ideal mobile home foundation option is helical screw piles. Steel posts with helix-shaped plates, known as helical screw piles, are screwed into the ground to serve as a foundation for buildings. They are a well-liked option for mobile home foundations since they are quick to build, affordable, and simple to take out and reuse if necessary.

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How are mobile home screw piles Installed?
Edmonton Screw Pile Pros are qualified installation contractors that will screw helical screw piles into the ground using a hydraulic torque motor until they reach the required depth and torque resistance. This provides a solid foundation on which a mobile home supported by a metal frame is then lowered onto the screw pile foundations and connected to the piles.
Helical screw piles have the benefit of being able to endure seismic activity and strong winds while being able to be constructed in places with poor soil conditions, such as soft or sandy soil. Compared to conventional foundation alternatives, they also call for less excavation and cause less soil disturbance.

How many screw piles do you need for a mobile home foundation?
The size, weight, and soil conditions of the building site all affect how many helical screw piles are needed for a mobile home foundation. The objective is to build a solid, secure foundation that can sustain the weight of the mobile home. Meanwhile, this foundation has to withstand any lateral or uplift pressures that can be brought on by the environment.
For every 100 square feet of the mobile home’s floor space, at least one screw pile is recommended; however, this might change based on the particular circumstances described above. An expert builder or engineer may evaluate the site and create a foundation design that takes the required load-bearing capability into consideration.
How long does a CCMC screw pile foundation last when used for manufactured homes?
The soil conditions, the necessary load-bearing capability, and the ongoing maintenance of the screw piles are just a few of the variables that might affect how long CCMC (Canadian Construction Materials Centre) certified screw piles last.In general, CCMC-approved screw piles are composed of hardy materials like galvanised steel to survive corrosion and wear and are intended to endure sizable vertical and horizontal loads.
Moreover, they are made to withstand ground movement and frost heave, which can be problematic in some areas. CCMC-certified screw piles may survive for many years, generally over 50 years or more, with correct installation and maintenance.
It’s crucial to understand, though, that a number of factors might affect the longevity of a mobile home or cabin foundation.

How can the Edmonton Screw Pile Pros help?
It’s always a good idea to work with a professional contractor like the Edmonton Screw Pile Pros, who has experience installing and maintaining helical piles, and to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance guidelines to ensure the longevity and safety of your mobile home foundation.
Ultimately, it’s important to work with a qualified and reputable contractor to ensure that your mobile home foundation is safe, stable, and built to last. It’s important to ensure that any contractor you choose is licensed, insured, and experienced in installing and maintaining mobile home foundations using screw piles or other methods. The Screw Pile Pros in Edmonton AB are fully insured helical pier contractors with extensive experience in foundations for mobile homes.